Thursday, February 28, 2013

Coastal Walking Bright and Early

This is a little late but I wanted to write about my morning walk the other day I took from Coogee Beach to Bondi Beach which is about a 6K or like 3 miles. The walk takes you along the coast through the twist and turns of each cove. All together we walked through about 5 beaches both big and small. Every scene was gorgeous and you were always able to see the various rocks being bombarded with various waves. We woke up early and started the walk around 7:30AM which was early but very worth it. To describe the walk wouldn't give it justice so I think I will just post a bunch of pictures!

I know it was a lot of photos but they were all so great!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I Keep Running Into People

One thing I have noticed here that continues to happen is my ability to run into people because Australians made the decision to drive on the other side of the road. This wouldn't be a problem since I don't drive here (which Tyler probably thinks that's a good idea since he doesn't think I'm a good driver at home anyway), but this philosophy of being on the opposite side is everywhere. Walking down the sidewalk I constantly find myself on the wrong side being bombarded by people and even once I get on the side they consider to be the "right" side, I always wonder into what I consider to be the only way you should be walking following U.S. road directions.

Once I can get through walking on the sidewalk I then enter a store. The greatest example would be the grocery store. You don't think about it but in the U.S. we push our carts down the isle following how we drive on the roads. So now I have made it through navigating the streets, thinking which way to look before crossing, and now must figure out which side of the isle to push my cart. It takes a lot of thinking. So while in the grocery store I am constantly bumping into people and their carts and keep getting weird looks. So now I officially know what it is like to have American stamped on your forehead.

This is the latest I have on Aussie culture and the struggles I face, and I'm sure there will be more to come!

Make My Day and Send Me Something!

So the moment everyone has been waiting for is finally here! I know everyone would love to send me a letter or package to brighten my day so here is my address!

546/17 High St

University Terraces

Kensington NSW 2033

Hope everyone at home is well!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fun in the Sun Beach Day!

Yesterday I was able to go to the beach! This has to probably be the best part about Sydney because even in February I am able to catch some sun. I love having a summer during the winter months! The beach wasn't like anything I have experienced in North Carolina it had more of a tropical feel with giant rocks coming out of the water and waves crashing against the pile of rocks. It honestly kind of reminded me of the scene from The Little Mermaid when she jumps out of the water onto the rock and the waves crash behind her. So basically I am living in a Disney movie.

The water was extremely cold which I thought was weird and since the beach wasn't too hot (it had a nice breeze going on) I didn't feel the need to go in the water. Overall I would give the beach an A+ for it's scenery and great weather.

One thing I have found here which seems to be very popular in Australia are pies. Not apple or cherry but actually meat pies. So the other night I had a classic beef pie topped with mash potatoes and I must admit it was really good! It was like an entire meal all in a little box. You can top it with peas as well which I heard makes it even yummier so I know I will have to try that. I hope soon to go on a Coastal Walk and on Friday I plan to visit the Zoo! As you can tell I am very excited!
Views from Coogee Beach

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Downtown Sydney Adventures

Today I finally got to see what Sydney is known for the Sydney Opera House and bridge. The views were breath taking and almost everywhere I looked I could see water. Seeing those views and getting up close to the Opera House finally made me realize that I was in Australia. We walked all over the harbor and got views from all sides. There were sailboats and cruise ships in the water and the views really looked just like the post cards. So since I made it downtown....that means I got on the right bus! We had a group of girls go and we all managed to get there and back on the exact bus we needed which was a blessing in itself!

We also ventured into an area known as The Rocks which has shops and restaurants and since it was the weekend they also had a market which was interesting to see. I found some cute souvenirs to add to my Australian collection too! 

For lunch we found a restaurant downtown right next to the cruise ship dock and got some fish and chips that were very good! I have noticed that food prices are a little bit more here but not too much. It was nice to have some seafood so close to the water.

 4 story Apple store

It was so great to get to see downtown but I think it wore me out because I am extra sleepy now. Tomorrow I may try to get to the beach if the weather isn't bad and see a whole different side of Sydney!