I have finally made it to Australia and it felt so nice to get to walk around in a t shirt and shorts in February. I got here Friday morning Sydney time which was Thursday night eastern time, and yes the time difference is starting to get confusing. The school picked me up from the airport and dropped me off at the apartment that is only about 5 minutes away from the campus. I share a bedroom with my roommate and we have a large bathroom as well as a kitchen to cook all our meals! Australia is beautiful and I got to explore the campus a little yesterday but today it seems like I will be stuck in the apartment all day because it is gonna be a very rainy day. Tomorrow I'm gonna go downtown to see the water, bridge and the famous opera house to finally get a first hand experience of what Sydney is known for.
The jet lag has not been that bad since I got here although I did wake up at 5AM this moring but luckily was able to find a little bit of wifi to pass the time. The accents here are interesting but I'm sure they can say that about me especially since I said y'all to the study abroad lady yesterday and she gave me a weird look, I guess it's just North Carolina coming out in me. I am so excited to be here and see everything that the city and country have to offer and will hopefully make memories here that will last a lifetime.
Here are some pictures of the apartment!!
Oh also still no siting of a kangaroo...but I'm still looking.
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